Even though snow and ice is covering a good portion of North America, soon the ice will thaw and rivers will rise due to melting snow and ice. Spring is a great time to think about Man-Overboard drills and rescue operations using a dummy that will provide a realistic “victim” without placing any of your employees in harms way.
“We are seeing a lot of tugboat, towboat, and barge companies purchase the OSCAR Water Rescue Training Dummy as part of their training and demonstration of Man-Overboard drills, specifically for Subchapter M compliance.” reported Robert Linder President of Emerald Marine Products. “We can now make OSCAR available in its usual forest green color or a highly visible orange, but either color it’s a great training device with it’s portable 35 pound weight to get to a testing site and then 180 pounds when filled with water and ready for a rescue drill.” continued Mr. Linder. More information is available at our website or OSCAR’s specific website of www.oscarwaterrescue.com.