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When it comes to water safety, adequate training, and man overboard locator devices can make all the difference. Emerald Marine Products offers an industry trusted selection of ALERT Man-Overboard Alarm Systems, OSCAR Water Rescue Training Dummies, and retrieval products and accessories to aid in fall overboard alerting and retrieval.

Emerald Marine Products ships internationally. We also have a list of Signed Dealers that sell our life-saving products. Use our "Contact" page to get in touch to discuss the buying and shipping arrangements that work best for you.
marine Engine kill device

ALERT2 Overboard Receiver™

The ALERT2 Man-Overboard Receiver™ immediately alarms the crew and vessel of a fall-overboard situation. Upon hitting…


ALERT2 Overboard Transmitter™

The ALERT2 Man-Overboard Transmitter™ is a lightweight water-activated Transmitter that…


Man-Overboard alarm

ALERT418® Overboard Receiver

The ALERT418® Man-Overboard Receiver is the newest addition to the ALERT Man-Overboard…


ALERT418® Overboard Transmitter with Spray Tight Pouch

The ALERT418® Man-Overboard Transmitter is the newest Transmitter addition to the ALERT Man-Overboard…


ALERT Portable DIY ManOverboard Alarm System

ALERT Portable, DIY Overboard Alarm System

ALERT Portable, DIY Man Overboard Alarm System ™, combines ALERT2 Receiver, two ALERT418 Transmitters, heavy-duty stand,…


ALERT2 Overboard Transmitter™ with Spray Tight Pouch

The ALERT2 Man-Overboard Transmitter™ is a lightweight water-activated Transmitter that easily attaches to a Personal Flotation…


ALERT2 Overboard Transmitter™ Intrinsically Safe Model

The ALERT2 Man-Overboard Transmitter™ is a lightweight water-activated Transmitter that…


ALERT2 Overboard Transmitter™ IS Model with Spray Tight Pouch

The ALERT2 Man-Overboard Transmitter™ is a lightweight water-activated Transmitter that…


ALERT Portable, DIY Alarm System Stand

ALERT Portable Overboard Alarm Stand

ALERT Portable Man-Overboard Alarm Stand, combines a heavy-duty metal stand, marine-grade antenna, cable, and 110volt power…


ALERT2 Overboard Portable Direction Finder™ – Currently Out of Stock

The ALERT2 Man-Overboard Portable Direction Finder™ provides extra support to pilot rescue operations of…


OSCAR Water Rescue Training Dummy™

Practice Man-Overboard training sessions with a dummy that replicates a 180 pound rescue victim. Storage weight…


Easily transport your OSCAR Water Rescue Training Dummy

Stowage Bag for OSCAR Water Rescue Training Dummy

This durable, easy-to-carry OSCAR stowage bag makes a water rescue training dummy highly portable.…


ALERT Overboard Receiver™ Wall Power Supply

The ALERT2 Man-Overboard Receiver™ Wall Power Supply provides a convenient method to wire the…


ALERT2 Overboard Transmitter™ Pouch

The ALERT2 Man-Overboard Transmitter™ Pouch is designed to hold the ALERT2 Transmitter to attach…


ALERT2 Overboard Transmitter™ Spray Tight Pouch

The ALERT2 Man-Overboard Transmitter™ Spray Tight Pouch protects the ALERT2 Man-Overboard Transmitter from accidentally…


ALERT2 Overboard Transmitter™ Replacement Batteries

The ALERT2 Man-Overboard Transmitter™ Replacement Batteries are a set of two (2) 3.6 volt…
