man overboard

Commercial Fisherman Need a Man-Overboard Alerting Device
Lore and TV Shows showcase the danger involved in making a living as a commercial…
Coronavirus and Emerald Marine Products
For the most up-to-date information regarding Coronavirus and the maritime industry, we suggest visiting the…

Are App-Based Alarms Reliable for Man-Overboard Rescue?
Fall overboard (FOB) occurrences are much more common than we would like to believe. A…

Confusion About Man Overboard Alerting Devices?
MSLD, EPIRBs, Personal Locator Beacons, are all search terms that define a device to alert…
Fall Overboard Tragedy Can be Prevented
As a manufacturer of products specific to fall overboard alerting and retrieval, we monitor the…
Fall Overboard Situations Presentation
[embedyt][/embedyt] Now available is a presentation given to the Signal Mutual Safety Meeting about…
ALERT418 Man-Overboard Alarm System Introduction Video Now Available
Curious about our two ALERT Man-Overboard Alarm Systems? This new video provides information about the…

University Readies Its Ships Against MOB Incident
Safety is important on any boat, even more so when scientists and inexperienced students are…

Key Learning’s from the AWO Safety Committee Panel Discussion
Emerald Marine Products (EMP) attended the American Waterways Operator’s (AWO) Summer safety meeting in Pittsburgh…

ALERT2 Man-Overboard Alarm System™ versus AIS
There is a lot of hype about an AIS (Automatic Identification System) device as being…