How To Create a Culture of Marine Safety
January 14, 2021Maritime workers deserve to be safe. There are over 113,000 Maritime workers in the US, according to the Bureau of…Man Overboard – Are AIS SARTS the Best MOB Devices?
October 27, 2020Man Overboard – Are AIS SARTS the Best MOB Devices? was an article written on March 2, 2012, by gCaptain’s…How to Extend the Alert of a Man-Overboard Alarm
September 14, 2020Extending the range of a man-overboard alarm is a key component and a unique feature of our fall in the…Cost of a Man-Overboard Alarm System
July 9, 2020Emerald Marine Products has been protecting employees working on or near water for over twenty years so we have a…Marine Terminals Need Fall Overboard Alerting
May 28, 2020Used by scores of Marine Terminals across the United States, The ALERT Man-Overboard Alarm System is fast becoming the defacto…F/V Northern Jaeger Visits Emerald Marine Products
May 21, 2020Every once in a while we are pleased to see a vessel sailing up Puget Sound past the Emerald Marine…Commercial Fisherman Need a Man-Overboard Alerting Device
May 12, 2020Lore and TV Shows showcase the danger involved in making a living as a commercial fisherman. It's that time of…Wired for Engine-Kill
April 13, 2020The phrase, “Wired for engine-kill” has a very serious tone to it. And It should. The practice of killing an…Coronavirus and Emerald Marine Products
March 20, 2020For the most up-to-date information regarding Coronavirus and the maritime industry, we suggest visiting the American Waterways Operators (AWO) Coronavirus…When Deckhands or Shore-Side Workers go Missing
February 10, 2020We are not addressing work stoppage, strikes or just plain no-show incidents. We are addressing when a worker who executes…